Role: Scenic Designer

Location: Gerald Freedman Theatre, UNCSA

Director: Andy Paris

Music Director: Jennifer Peacock

This adaptation of “As You Like It” took place in contemporary Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where I lived at the time. To create an authentic set, I immersed myself in the city's urban and natural landscapes, seeking to reflect the community’s essence in the design.

Setting the play in Winston-Salem allowed us to use Shakespeare's flexible story to present a "local" narrative. The design focused on contrasting two worlds: the affluent, political realm and the connected, land-bound community.

This contrast was visually represented through a blend of downtown architecture and natural elements. We used a foggy forest backdrop made of cotton scrim to highlight the tension between the city and forest. This setup gave the lighting designer the ability to reveal the cityscape selectively, emphasizing the conflict between the two worlds as needed.

Scenic Design Assistants: Isabella Rebollo & Isy Kessler

Technical Direction: Ryan Lasich

Costume Designer: Marquita Horton

Scenic Paint Charge: Olivia Venable

Wig and Makeup Design: M Nottke

Lighting Designer: Isabelle Flores

Photography By Cameron Russell